Pesch, A., Hespos, S., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (in press). Playful Learning Landscapes: Encouraging intellectual and social risk in everyday spaces. To appear in The Impact of Risk and Outdoor Play on Children’s Learning - Listening, Responding, and Acting on Collective Voices.
Fletcher, K. K., Wright, C., Pesch, A., Abdurokhmonova, G., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (in press). Playful Learning as a robust, adaptable, culturally relevant pedagogy to foster children’s 21st Century skills. Journal of Children and Media.
Fisch, S. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Abdurokhmonova, G., Davis, L., Fisch, N., Fish, S. R. D., Fletcher, K. K., Pesch, A., Tomforde, J., Volpe, C., & Wright, C. A. (in press). Developing methods for remote observation of hands-on problem solving among preschool children: Challenges and solutions. Journal of Children and Media.
Fisch, S. M., Fletcher, K. K., Abdurokhmonova, G., Fisch, N., Fisch, S. R. D., Jurist, M., Krestin, R., Pesch, A., Seguì, I., Shulman, J., Silton, N., Tomforde, J., Volpe, C., Wright, C. A., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (in press). “I wonder, what if, let’s try”: Impact of Sesame Street’s Playful Learning curriculum on children’s problem solving. Journal of Children and Media.
Pesch, A., Todaro, R. D., Piper, D., Evans, N., Pasek, J., Golinkoff, R. M., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2024). A bird’s eye view of phubbing: How adult observations of phubbing impact judgments, epistemic trust, and interpersonal trust. Mobile Media and Communication.
Pesch, A., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (In press). Social-emotional development: When soft skills become the hard skills. OECD Publishing, Paris.
DeAngelis, E., Glaspie, N., Bisla, I., Pesch, A., & Koenig, M. A. (in press). Understanding the vulnerability of testimony: Epistemic and interpersonal risks. To appear in K. J. Rotenberg (Eds.), The Handbook of Trust and Social Psychology. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Bermudez, V. N., Salazar, J., Garcia, L., Ochoa, K. D., Pesch, A., Roldan, W., Soto-Lara, W., Gomez, W., Rodriguez, R., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Ahn, J., & Bustamante, A. S. (2023). Designing culturally situated playful environments for early STEM learning with a Latine community. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 1-12. [online]
Fabricius, W. V., Gonzales, C. R., Pesch, A., & Weimer, A. A. (2023). Perceptual Access Reasoning: What are the alternatives? Cognitive Development, 66, 101306. [online]
Pesch, A., Ochoa, K. D, Fletcher, K., Bermudez, V. N., Todaro, R., Salazar, J., Gibbs, H. M., Ahn, J., Bustamante, A. S., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2022). Reinventing the public square and early educational settings through culturally informed, community co-design: Playful Learning Landscapes. Frontiers in Psychology - Educational Psychology, 13, 7322. [online]
Pesch, A., Ridge, K. E., Suárez, S., McMyler, B., & Koenig, M. A. (2022). Evaluations of epistemic and practical reasons for belief in a predominately White, US sample of preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 223, 105499. [online]
Pesch, A., & Koenig, M. A. (2021). Trust Matters: Measuring and identifying a role for epistemic and interpersonal trust in preschoolers’ learning from teachers. Early Education and Development, 1-26. [online]
Fabricius, W. V., Gonzales, C.R., Pesch, A., Carroll, K., Weimer, A. A., Pugliese, J., Bolnick, R. R., Kupfer, A., Eisenberg, N., & Spinrad, T. (2021). Perceptual Access Reasoning (PAR) in Developing a Representational Theory of Mind. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 86(3), 7-154. [online]
Pesch, A., Semenov, A. D., & Carlson, S. M. (2020). The path to fully representational Theory of Mind: Conceptual, Executive, and Pragmatic Challenges. Frontiers in Psychology - Cognitive Science, 11, 3020. [online]
Li, P. H., Pesch, A., Koenig, M. A. (2020). The sense of obligation in children’s testimonial learning. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43. [online]
Pesch, A., & Koenig, M. A. (2018). Varieties of trust in preschoolers’ learning and practical decisions. PLOS One, 13(8). [online]
Ridge, K.E., Pesch, A., Suárez, S., & Koenig, M.A. (2018). Insights into children’s testimonial reasoning. In P. Ganea and M. Saylor (Eds.), Language and Concept Development from Infancy Through Childhood: Social Motivation, Cognition, and Linguistic Mechanisms of Learning. New York, NY: Springer. [online]
Pesch, A., Suárez, S., & Koenig, M. A. (2017). Trusting Others: Shared reality in testimonial learning. Current Opinion in Psychology, 23, 38-41. [online]
Lin, A. R., Ettekal, A., Simpkins, S., Menjivar, C., Gaskin, E., & Pesch, A. (2016). “They will post a law about playing soccer” and other ethnic/racial microaggressions in organized activities experienced by Mexican-Origin families. Journal of Adolescent Research, 31, 557-581. [online]